February: Clear Quartz

February: Clear Quartz

February – Clear Quartz

At Clink, we dedicate each month of the year to one of our most cherished crystals. For the month of February, we’ve chosen a particularly special stone: clear quartz. Clear quartz is an incredibly powerful crystal, referred to in ancient times as the “veins of the earth” and revered throughout the world for eons. 

Part of our mission in spreading the love of crystals is not only designing handmade jewellery that harnesses their power – and enables you to tap into it all day long – but sharing why these crystals are so powerful, and the myriad ways they can enhance your life.

Just like us, each crystal is entirely unique. To find a crystal that resonates with you, or is best suited for your circumstances at this time, it’s important to understand the different properties and vibrations of each crystal and their distinct healing powers.

The Quartz Family: Power Stones

Clear quartz is part of the wider quartz family; one of the most well-known and well-loved of the crystal families. Found all over the world, and treasured since ancient times, the quartz crystals are some of the most potent healing and transformation stones. While each variety of the crystal – from rose quartz to smoky quartz – has slightly different properties, the quartz crystals all share a purifying, harmonising energy at their core.

Clear quartz is one of the most iconic quartz crystals; venerated by countless civilisations, across numerous centuries. From appearing in Ancient Greek philosophy to being bestowed with offerings in indigenous North American cultures, clear quartz has long been an object of fascination and awe. Today, it is used in many types of healing all over the world.

The Power of Clear Quartz: balance, meditation and metaphysical connections
Clear quartz as a harmoniser

Frequently referred to as a Master Healer, clear quartz has a long and established history as a healing and purifying stone. A forceful energy amplifier, most of its healing properties lie in its ability to balance and magnify energies.

Vibrating to the natural rhythm of harmony, clear quartz regulates emotions and protects against negative energy – whether from a person or a place. Absorbing, transmuting, releasing and regulating energy, the stone creates balance in your body and your space. Clear quartz is incorporated into lives and spiritual practices to unblock energy and promote positivity.

Clear quartz as a spiritual healer

A gift from Mother Earth which allows us to connect with esoteric realms and energies, clear quartz is often seen as a window of light into the metaphysical world; enhancing spiritual growth and allowing one to develop higher insights and wisdom.

The mystical elements of the crystal – and its programmability and amplification qualities – make clear quartz particularly significant in manifestation and meditation work. Used in alliance with strong, positive intentions, it can take manifestations to new heights, giving affirmations more force and power. In meditation, clear quartz nurtures better focus and a clarity of mind.

The Impact of Clear Quartz on Physical and Mental Ailments

The crystal’s unique properties mean that it can be used to heal a whole host of ailments, both mental and physical. Physically, clear quartz is said to be good for restoring and strengthening the immune system and imbuing the entire body with more life energy. Introducing clear quartz is thus highly beneficial for those struggling with emotional exhaustion, a lack of motivation or a feeling of spiritual detachment.

By balancing our emotions and promoting positivity, clear quartz can help us to find clarity and peace in our life situations. It encourages clarity of thought – meaning improved decision-making, a stronger memory and a clearer idea of the heart’s true desires. If you find yourself in a dark or dull phase, clear quartz can help elevate your energy; even through the simple actions of wearing it on your body or placing it in your space.

How to meditate with your Clear Quartz crystal

Should you wish to use clear quartz in your meditation or manifestation practices, we have compiled a step-by-step guide with some suggestions of how to go about it. Feel free to adapt and alter it to fit you.

  1. Find a clear quartz stone or pendant that resonates with you
  2. Create a space where you feel comfortable and in tune: think candles, cushions and calm
  3. Breathe
  4. Hold your clear quartz in your palm and focus on the energy you want to transfer to the crystal/what you want amplifying
  5. Visualise, if this is part of your practice
  6. Clearly state your positive intentions in your mind or out loud
  7. Allow the crystal to amplify your energy and manifestations and witness the magic begin to appear in your life
  8. Make sure you regularly cleanse your crystal

At Clink, we have long been lovers of clear quartz – as perhaps you can tell from the regularity it appears in our jewellery! Wearing clear quartz, particularly in the shape of a healing wand, is one of the best ways to harness its powerful energy every day.

If you feel that this is a crystal you would value having in your life, please check out the beautiful clear quartz pendants on our website, and don’t hesitate to send us a message for any crystal-related inquiries.

Whether you’re looking to accelerate the fulfilment of your manifestations, intensify your healing and spiritual growth or increase the positivity in your life, this could be the crystal for you. 
